"Longevity" (壽)
55 X 45cm
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"Longevity" (壽)
55 X 45cm in Cursive Script (草書)
"Longevity" (壽) is commonly used to celebrate birthdays in Chinese social circles .
Personal Comments
Scientifically, the lifespan of a person depends on many variables such as diet, lifestyle, stress, and genetics. Some factors you can control, while some you can't. However, one thing is certain: no matter how well you manage these factors, you will certainly end up with death. So why be so obsessive in extending your lifespan? Life's focus should not be about how long you live but what you do with your life. As Wen Tianxian (文天祥, 1236-1283 AD), a renowned Chinese historical figure, once wrote: “What man was ever immune from death? Let me but leave a loyal heart shining in the pages of history.” (「人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。」, translated by Eveline Lee Zhiying.)
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"Longevity" (壽)
55 X 45cm in Cursive Script (草書)
"Longevity" (壽) is commonly used to celebrate birthdays in Chinese social circles .
Personal Comments
Scientifically, the lifespan of a person depends on many variables such as diet, lifestyle, stress, and genetics. Some factors you can control, while some you can't. However, one thing is certain: no matter how well you manage these factors, you will certainly end up with death. So why be so obsessive in extending your lifespan? Life's focus should not be about how long you live but what you do with your life. As Wen Tianxian (文天祥, 1236-1283 AD), a renowned Chinese historical figure, once wrote: “What man was ever immune from death? Let me but leave a loyal heart shining in the pages of history.” (「人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。」, translated by Eveline Lee Zhiying.)
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