CV - Vincent's Calligraphy

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Kwan Sheung Vincent Poon

2007 – 2008      Bachelor of Education,                                                   OISE- University of Toronto
2005 – 2007      Certificate in Management Fundamentals,                                  University of Toronto
2001 – 2004      Master of Science, Biochemistry,                                                University of Toronto
1997 – 2001      Bachelor of Science (Honours),                                                     University of Toronto
                       Specialist: Biochemistry, Minor: Physics                                                               
ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS                                                   
2008                 Additional Basic Qualifications, Senior Physics                                Queen’s University
2009                 Additional Basic Qualifications, Senior Mathematics                        Queen’s University
2011                Honour Specialist, Chemistry                                                      Queen’s University
2012                Teaching and Learning Through e-Learning                                Queen’s University
LANGUAGES       Fluent (oral and written) Cantonese and English
2007                 Professor Arthur Louden Memorial Scholarship,                      OISE- University of Toronto
2002 – 2003      National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Postgraduate Scholarship
2001                 The Amy Britton Award, Faculty of Arts and Science,               University of Toronto
                       (Awarded to the top graduate in Biochemistry)
1997 – 2001      Dean’s List and Scholarships, Faculty of Arts and Science,        University of Toronto
1997                 The Governor General’s Academic Meda,                                Governor General of Canada

Poon KS Vincent, Calligraphy Meets Philosophy - Talk 2  尚語 - 第. Toronto: The SenSeis, 2023. [Link]

Poon KS Vincent, Calligraphy Meets Philosophy - Talk 1  尚語 - 第一話. Toronto: The SenSeis, 2022. [Link]

Poon KS Vincent, Poon Kwok Kin. An English Translation and the Correct Interpretation of Laozi’s Tao Te Ching 英譯並正解老子道德經 附 《道德經》艱深句子正解並白話對譯 . Toronto: The SenSeis, 2020. [Link]

Poon KS Vincent, Poon Kwok Kin. A Narrative on Calligraphy by Sun Guoting - Translated by KS Vincent POON and Kwok Kin POON Revised and Enchanced Edition 英譯書譜 增訂版 . Toronto: The SenSeis, 2019. [Link]

Poon KS Vincent, Poon Kwok Kin. English Translation of Classical Chinese Calligraphy Masterpieces 英譯法書. Toronto: The SenSeis, 2019. [Link]

Joshi A, Kate S, Poon V, Mondal D, Boggara MB, Saraph A, Martin JT, McAlpine R, Day R, Garcia AE, Mogridge J, Kane RS: Structure-based design of a heptavalent anthrax toxin inhibitor. Biomacromolecules. 2011 Mar 14;12(3):791-6. [Link]

Rai P, Vance D, Poon V, Mogridge J, Kane RS: Stable and potent polyvalent anthrax toxin inhibitors: raft-inspired domain formation in liposomes that contain PEGylated lipids. Chemistry. 2008;14(26):7748-51. [Link]

Rai PR, Saraph A, Ashton R, Poon V, Mogridge J, Kane RS: Raftlike polyvalent inhibitors of the anthrax toxin: modulating inhibitory potency by formation of lipid microdomains. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2007;46(13):2207-9.[Link]

Joshi A, Saraph A, Poon V, Mogridge J, Kane RS: Synthesis of Potent Inhibitors of Anthrax Toxin Based on Poly-L-Glutamic Acid. Bioconjug Chem. 2006 Sep-Oct;17(5):1265-9. [Link]

Basha S, Rai P, Poon V, Saraph A, Gujraty KV, Go M, Sadacharan S, Frost M, Mogridge J, Kane RS: Polyvalent Inhibitors of Anthrax Toxin that Target Host Receptors. The Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Sep 5;103(36):13509-13. [Link]

Gujraty KV, Joshi A, Saraph A, Poon V, Mogridge J, Kane RS: Synthesis of polyvalent inhibitors of controlled molecular weight: structure-activity relationship for inhibitors of anthrax toxin. Biomacromolecules 2006 Jul;7(7):2082-5. [Link]

Rai P, Padala C, Poon V, Saraph A, Basha S, Kate S, Tao K, Mogridge J, Kane RS: Statistical pattern matching facilitates the design of polyvalent inhibitors of anthrax and cholera toxins. Nat Biotechnol. 2006; 24(5):582-6. [Link]

Gujraty K, Sadacharan S, Frost M, Poon V, Kane RS, Mogridge J: Functional characterization of peptide-based anthrax toxin inhibitors. Mol Pharm. 2005 Sep-Oct ; 2(5):367-72. [Link]

Ishiki M, Randhawa VK, Poon V, Jebailey L, Klip A: Insulin regulates the membrane arrival, fusion and C-terminal unmasking of Glut4 via distinct phosphoinositides. J Biol Chem. 2005 Aug 5;280(31):28792-802. [Link]

Rand ML, Wang H, Bang KWA, Poon V, Packham MA, Freedman J: Procoagulant surface exposure and apoptosis in rabbit platelets: association with shortened survival and steady-state senescence. J Thromb Haemost. 2(4):651-9, April 2004. [Link]

2008-date       Teacher                                                               Toronto District School Board
Commended for
§  Effectively engaging students actively in their learning
§  Assisting students in the development of critical skills
§  Varying instructional techniques to accommodate the various learning styles of the class
§  Modeling and promoting the joy of learning
2004 – 2007      Research Laboratory Technician II,                Faculty of Medicine, U of Toronto
§ Taught and introduced basic biochemistry concepts to fresh graduate students in the lab
§ Collaborated with numerous researchers to successfully publish over six original scientific papers in
       reputable journals such as Nature Biotechnology and PNAS in two years
2001 – 2003      Teaching Assistant                           Department of Biochemistry, U of Toronto
§  Instructed third and fourth year Undergraduate Biochemistry Laboratory courses
§  Successfully augmented students’ interests by giving tangible analogies to explain complex scientific
§  Earned the reputation of being one of the best TA’s in the Department: “Wonderful TA. Absolutely no
       criticisms are possible.”

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